- No claims for professional negligence, error or omissions or the like have ever been made against the - Firm or any predecessor(s) in business or against any Partners / Directors / Principals either directly or in respect of any company of which they were a Partner / Director / Principal of. - After enquiry within the Firm, the Proposer is not aware of any circumstances which have occurred which may give rise to a claim. - The Firm or any Partners / Directors / Principals has not had any insurers decline to offer Professional Indemnity renewal terms, nor has had their Professional Indemnity Policy cancelled or voided, or had any special premium increase or special terms being imposed due to a material fact. - The Firm or any Partners / Directors / Principals do not act, or have not acted, in any capacity other than those declared. - The Firm or any Partners / Directors / Principals have not ever been the subject of investigations or disciplinary proceedings by any regulatory body or the Health & Safety Executive. - The Firm or any Partners / Directors / Principals do not undertake work for any Partnership, Company or Organisation in which they are in a position to exercise a controlling interest in such a Partnership / Company / Organisation. - This company does not provide any investment advice.